No more sleeping in until the kids wake themselves up.
I wake up before they do now.
No more hanging around the house until after lunch, and then taking naps.
We are all up and out of the house before 8:00 a.m. every day.
Ryanna gets on the bus bright and early (7:50 a.m.) and the boys walk to the bus stop with me. Then they are ready to get their fun day started!
Each and every morning is full of hustle and bustle:
Before Ryanna leaves on her bus, I have to make sure she is dressed, fed, hair & teeth brushed. I have to make sure she has a lunch and snack to eat at school, and that her daddy has the same for work. My boys also want breakfast somewhere in there...and they need me to help them get dressed as well.
We walk out and take the stroller or wagon down the road and bid farewell to our big first grader as she boards the big yellow bus.
The boys and I have played outside, and taken many walks. Now the weather is beginning to change it's tune toward autumn. As that happens, we have many new activities starting up.
MOPS starts on Tuesday, then Bible Study starts on Thursday.
In a couple of weeks Library Story Time begins for the boys.
We are going to be so very busy.
Oh how I now understand the longing for summer vacation to begin..and the term "lazy summer days" takes on a whole new meaning.
I'm already missing summer! I'm not ready for the fall weather, but it is nice to have a routine again. Now if I can just make it through this first week of preschool...